21 October 2022


Dear readers: all of us that have followed the official news about UAPs, were expectant about the news that coud come this month of October.

Reaching the half of the month with a silence around the subject, on October 15 we wrote this little message to Ms. Susan Gough, the spokeswoman of the Pentagon.:

Milton Hourcade
​Dear Susan:
According to the law, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office should present a report in October that will be classified to Legislators and non-classified to the public.
I  like to know if there is already a date for the presentation of that report.
I would appreciate very much --as always-- your reply.
Best wishes

Milton W. Hourcade

And on monday, October 17, Ms.Gough sent us her reply saying:

Gough, Susan L (Sue) CIV OSD PA (USA) <susan.l.gough.civ@mail.mil>

The report is currently scheduled to be submitted to Congress on Oct. 31.

We consider these good news and we will wait until October 31 to know what the AARO will report to the Congress and to the American citizens.


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