Preámbulo: Mick West es un dedicato analista de presuntos casos OVNI, y comparte sus conclusiones en su página web Metabunk. Aquí presentamos la adaptación de su material hecha por el colega mexicano Leopoldo Zambrano Enríquez, a quien agradecemos su contribución en el esclarecimiento de la verdad.
Hoy, la Marina liberó oficialmente tres videos de ovnis. Se llaman
"Flir", "Gimbal" y "GOFAST". Internet inmediatamente tomó esto como que
los extraterrestres son reales, pero los videos no son realmente nuevos.
Fueron desclasificados por completo en 2017 y Tom DeLonge los publicó
en la Academia de las Estrellas. Comencé a escribir sobre ellos en
diciembre de 2017 y, con la ayuda de otros, llegué rápidamente a
posibles explicaciones para los tres videos.
El video FLIR es muy
probablemente un avión distante. El video está tomando mucho después
del famoso encuentro con un Tic Tac hipersónico en zigzag por parte de
pilotos del Nimitz. El objeto en realidad no se mueve en la pantalla,
excepto cuando la cámara se mueve, y se parece a un plano retroiluminado
de baja resolución fuera de foco. No sé lo que vio el piloto, pero este
video no muestra nada realmente interesante.
El video GIMBAL
también se trata probablemente de un avión, no está girando. Lo que se
ve es la claridad infrarroja de los motores que son más grandes que el
avión. Parece que está girando debido a un artefacto del sistema de
cámara montado en el cardán. Todo esto es un poco confuso, así que hice
varios videos que lo explican. El aura alrededor del avión es solo
desenfoque de imagen, sucede todo el tiempo en imágenes de cámaras
térmicas. No es una unidad Warp alienígena, es solo el filtro de la
máscara de enfoque.
El video "GOFAST" probablemente muestra un
globo, no se mueve rápido, no está rozando el agua y puedes verificarlo
tú mismo, porque toda la información que necesitas está en los números
en la pantalla. Solo necesitas un poco de trigonometría de escuela
secundaria. La velocidad aparente es sólo un efecto causado por el
paralaje. Durante los últimos años, he hecho una gran variedad de videos
explicando todo esto. Encontrarás el enlace de la lista de reproducción
en la descripción.
Si tienes preguntas, especialmente sobre el
video del GIMBAL(cardán), probablemente ya hayan sido cubiertas en las
diversas discusiones en MetaBunk. Si no están cubiertas, avísame e
intentaré encontrar una respuesta. Todo lo que estoy explicando aquí son
estos tres videos, no otros videos y no estoy explicando ningún relato
de testigos oculares. Estos tres videos no son tan interesantes como
parecen y todos tienen explicaciones bastante plausibles.
Marina probablemente llegue a conclusiones similares de que se trata de
cosas simples como aviones, drones o globos, pero debido a las normas de
seguridad operativas vigentes, nadie puede hablar de ellas. Eso abre la
puerta a toda esta especulación, con algo de suerte yo también lo he
hecho un poco. Las visitas extraterrestres siempre son una posible
explicación para cualquier video ovni, pero estos videos no muestran
evidencia de ningún tipo de tecnología avanzada. Desafortunadamente, las
explicaciones reales que se encuentran al investigar son probablemente
bastante aburridas.
Mick West
27 Abril 2020
This is a web site dedicated to exchanging valuable information about Unusual Aerial Phenomena, air and space new technologies and the latest in Physics about the matter and the Universe.
29 April 2020
Preamble: Mick West is a serious analyst of UFO cases through his web-page Metabunk. Here is his analysis about the so-called "Pentagon Videos".
Today the Navy officially released three videos of UFOs.
They are called FLIR, GIMBAL and GOFAST. The internet immediately took this as meaning that aliens are real. But the videos are not actually new. They were internally declassified back in 2017, and immediately released by Tom DeLonge's To The Stars Academy. I started writing about them in December 2017.
With the help of others, I quickly arrived at likely explanations for all three videos. The FLIR video is most likely a distant plane. The video was taken well after the famous encounter with a hypersonic zig-zagging tic-tac by pilots from the NIMITZ. This object doesn't actually move on screen - except when the camera moves, and it resembles an out of focus low-resolution backlit plane. I don't know what the pilots saw, but this video does not show anything really interesting.
The GIMBAL video is also probably of a plane. .... It's not rotating. What you see is the infrared glare of the engines, larger than the plane. It looks like it is rotating because of an artifact of the gimbal-mounted camera system. This is all a bit confusing, so I made several videos explaining it. Oh, and the "AURA" around the plane, that's just image sharpening. It happens all the time in thermal camera footage. It's not an alien warp drive, it's just the unsharp mask filter.
The GO-FAST video probably shows a balloon. It's not moving fast, it's not skimming the water, and you can verify this yourself because all the information you need is in the numbers on screen. It's just an effect caused by parallax. Over the last few years, I've made a variety of videos explaining all this. You can find the playlist here:
If you've got questions (especially about the GIMBAL video) then I probably covered it there, or it would be covered in the various discussion on Metabunk. If it's not covered, then let me know (, and I'll try to find an answer. All I'm explaining here are these three videos, not other videos. And I'm not explaining any eyewitness accounts.
These three videos are not as interesting as they seem and they have quite plausible explanations. The Navy probably arrived at similar conclusions - that these are simply unidentified aircraft, drones, or balloons - but because of the default operational secrecy regulations nobody can talk about it.
And that opened the door to all this speculation. Hopefully, I've cleared it up a little. Visiting aliens are always a possible explanation for any UFO video, but these videos don't show evidence of any kind of advanced technology - so, unfortunately, the real explanations, while fun to investigate, are probably pretty boring.
Mick West
April 27,2020
Today the Navy officially released three videos of UFOs.
They are called FLIR, GIMBAL and GOFAST. The internet immediately took this as meaning that aliens are real. But the videos are not actually new. They were internally declassified back in 2017, and immediately released by Tom DeLonge's To The Stars Academy. I started writing about them in December 2017.
With the help of others, I quickly arrived at likely explanations for all three videos. The FLIR video is most likely a distant plane. The video was taken well after the famous encounter with a hypersonic zig-zagging tic-tac by pilots from the NIMITZ. This object doesn't actually move on screen - except when the camera moves, and it resembles an out of focus low-resolution backlit plane. I don't know what the pilots saw, but this video does not show anything really interesting.
The GIMBAL video is also probably of a plane. .... It's not rotating. What you see is the infrared glare of the engines, larger than the plane. It looks like it is rotating because of an artifact of the gimbal-mounted camera system. This is all a bit confusing, so I made several videos explaining it. Oh, and the "AURA" around the plane, that's just image sharpening. It happens all the time in thermal camera footage. It's not an alien warp drive, it's just the unsharp mask filter.
The GO-FAST video probably shows a balloon. It's not moving fast, it's not skimming the water, and you can verify this yourself because all the information you need is in the numbers on screen. It's just an effect caused by parallax. Over the last few years, I've made a variety of videos explaining all this. You can find the playlist here:
If you've got questions (especially about the GIMBAL video) then I probably covered it there, or it would be covered in the various discussion on Metabunk. If it's not covered, then let me know (, and I'll try to find an answer. All I'm explaining here are these three videos, not other videos. And I'm not explaining any eyewitness accounts.
These three videos are not as interesting as they seem and they have quite plausible explanations. The Navy probably arrived at similar conclusions - that these are simply unidentified aircraft, drones, or balloons - but because of the default operational secrecy regulations nobody can talk about it.
And that opened the door to all this speculation. Hopefully, I've cleared it up a little. Visiting aliens are always a possible explanation for any UFO video, but these videos don't show evidence of any kind of advanced technology - so, unfortunately, the real explanations, while fun to investigate, are probably pretty boring.
Mick West
April 27,2020
28 April 2020
The first series had the title “Os Discos Voadores” (The Flying Discs”), the second series went under the title “A terrível missao dos Discos Voadores” (The terrible mission of the Flying Discs).
Those articles mentioned individuals and institutions dedicated to the investigation and study of UFO reports. There were mentioned NICAP, Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, APRO, Mr. Jim Lorenzen, and Ms.Lorenzen, in the United States; Dr. Olavo T. Fontes (in Rio de Janeiro), Prof. Flávio A. Pereira and Dr. José Escobar Faría (in Sao Paulo) and CBPCOANI, all of them in Brazil.
Argentina was represented by the organization CODOVNI, and two individuals, Ariel Ciro Rietti and Christian Vogt.
And the articles referred to American cases investigated by the USAF Project BlueBook.
With that in mind, I discovered that there was a whole world of individuals and organizations –included the official ones— dedicated to the subject. And then I asked myself: who deals with this issue in Uruguay? And I realized there was nobody. Then I wondered why not me?
But obviously, I wouldn’t be able to do it all alone, and therefore I talked with my friends. It was the end of 1957, and although the first reaction was of ridicule and laughs, some of them took it more seriously after I gave them certain information and decided to join me in my very patriotic engagement.
I do remember the names of Juan Carlos Zamudio, Adolfo Terzaghi, Jorge Denevi Griera, Walter A. Cifarelli Larragoitia, and Germán Sergio Vázquez Quartiani, as the first who were interested.
With Zamudio and Vazquez we went to a broadcasting station and made an invitation to the people that could be interested in “flying saucers” to meet with us.
On the night of April 29, 1958, at the headquarters of the YMCA, around 40 people were present. We had there a short talk, said we have to take some steps to organize ourselves, asked for those who could be interested to investigate to register, and finally, a group of seven of us met at a near restaurant and have a long talk about what to do and how.
There were Vázquez, Hermann, and his brother Erwin Jegerlehner, Vicente Curci, Walter Cifarelli, Jorge Denevi, and myself.
We agree that it wouldn’t be possible to work with 40 or more people, that we need to constitute a board of directors, with the traditional structure of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and Vocals.
I was elected President, and in that way, we started working. One of the first things was to read a lot of the material coming from the United States, and other countries. The other thing was to create an Interrogation Form to be filled by the investigators but signed by the witnesses. That will be the base for the following study of each UFO report and later analysis and conclusion.
After less than a year from our beginning, although there were responsibilities distributed among us, we get rid of the old structure of a board of directors to become Directive Counselors, each one with the same rights and capacity to represent the Center in our relationship with the press, other institutions, and the eventual witnesses
Over the years new people came to be part of CIOVI. Directive Counselors, like Engineer Rubens Freire, Dante Joaquín Moscatelli, Heber Carlón, Ricardo Petrissans Aguilar, Prof. Fernando Labandera, Agustín Ubal, Lucy Silva, Yamandú Romero, Sergio Olivera, Luis A.González, Gustavo Quijano; and Collaborators. I remember the names of Álvarez, Machín, Ojeda, Bottino, Daguerre, skilled people that contributed to the Center in different ways.
CIOVI was first to get in contact with the Uruguayan Air Force and share the results of its investigation; the first developing a computerized analysis of UFO cases; the first to organize the only colloquium done in Uruguay between Argentinean and Uruguayan investigators, the first to create a National Correspondents Network, the first to analyze and discard systematically that the reported “tracks” in different fields were related to supposedly landing of UFOs, the first to present in Uruguay the documentary film “UFO” and the French film “Le Ciel sur la Téte” (They watch over us from the Cosmos”); the one that organized the visit to Uruguay of Dr. J. Allen Hynek and his Secretary for Latin America, Dr. Willy Smith. The first to identify the photography of an apparent strange object near the Centenario Stadium in 1930 as a captive balloon, publicity of Michelin tires. The first to investigate and determine with a precision that former Astronaut Neil Armstrong never visited "La Aurora" farm. The first to organize a theoretical and practical course for the preparation of future investigators.
During the years of CIOVI, some of its members traveled to Argentina, Brazil, and France to get in contact with investigators in those countries.
On the other hand, the relationship with the press, newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations was very good and fluid, dealing with outstanding journalists in all that media.
And periodically, members of CIOVI gave public lectures in different institutions, most relevant among them the YMCA and the Planetarium.
C.I.O.V.I. put an end to his work after 50 years, in 2008, when it was clear that the UFO subject was no longer relevant to the public, and there was a notorious reduction in the number of reports.
If there is currently to be an official investigation, it must be based on the rigorous application of the scientific method and define its task as that of Aero-Space Identification.
Milton W. Hourcade
Iowa City
April 29, 2020
La primera serie tenía como título “Los Discos Voladores”; la segunda serie se tituló “La terrible misión de los Discos Voladores”.
Esos artículos mencionaban individuos e instituciones dedicadas a la investigación y estudio de las denuncias de OVNIs. Ahí se mencionaban a NICAP, al Mayor Donald E. Keyhoe, a APRO, el Sr. Jim Lorenzen y su esposa, en Estados Unidos. Al Dr. Olavo T. Fontes (en Río de Janeiro), al Prof. Flávio A. Pereira y al Dr.José Escobar Faría (en San Pablo) y a CBPCOANI, todos ellos en Brasil.
Argentina estaba representada por la organización CODOVNI y dos individuos, Ariel Ciro Rietty y Christian Vogt.
Y los artículos se referían a los casos estadounidenses investigados por el Proyecto Libro Azul (BlueBook) de la Fuerza Aérea.
Con eso en mente, descubrí que había un mundo entero de personas u organizaciones, --incluidas las oficiales—dedicadas al tema. Y entonces me pregunté: ¿quién trata este tema en Uruguay? Y me di cuenta que no había nadie. Entonces me planteé ¿por qué no yo?
Pero obviamente, no podría hacerlo solo, y por lo tanto hablé con mis amigos. Era finales de 1957, y aunque la primera reacción fue de ridículo y risas, algunos de ellos lo tomaron más seriamente luego que les diera alguna información y decidieron acompañarme en mi muy patriótico compromiso.
Recuerdo los nombres de Juan Carlos Zamudio, Adolfo Terzaghi, Jorge Denevi Griera, Walter A. Cifarelli Larragoitia y Germán Sergio Vázquez Quartiani, como los primeros que se interesaron.
Con Zamudio y Vázquez fuimos a una estación de radio e hicimos la invitación a las personas que podían estar interesadas en los “platillos volantes” a que se reunieran con nosotros.
La noche del 29 de Abril de 1958 en la sede de la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes, alrededor de 40 personas estaban presentes. Tuvimos una pequeña charla y dijimos que tendríamos que dar algunos pasos para organizarnos, le pedimos a los interesados en investigar que se registraran, y finalmente un grupo de siete nos reunimos en un restaurante cercano y tuvimos una larga conversación acerca de qué hacer y cómo.
Allí estábamos Vázquez, Hermann y su hermano Erwin Jegerlehner, Vicente Curci, Walter Cifarelli, Jorge Denevi y yo.
Acordamos que sería imposible funcionar con 40 o más personas, que necesitábamos constituir una Comisión Directiva con la tradicional estructura de un Presidente, un Secretario, un Tesorero y Vocales.
Fui electo Presidente, y de esa manera comenzamos a trabajar. Una de las primeras cosas fue leer una cantidad de material procedente de Estados Unidos y otros países. La otra cosa fue crear un Formulario e Interrogación (que llamamos Ficha de Observación) a completar por los investigadores y firmar por los testigos. Esa sería la base para el siguiente estudio de cada denuncia de OVNI y el posterior análisis y conclusión.
Luego de menos de un año luego de nuestra creación, aunque había responsabilidades distribuidas entre nosotros, salimos de la vieja estructura de una Comisión Directiva y fuimos Consejeros Directivos, cada uno con los mismos derechos y capacidad de representar al Centro en nuestra relación con la prensa, otras instituciones y eventuales testigos.
A lo largo de años, nuevas personas llegaron a formar parte del CIOVI. Consejeros Directivos como el Ing. Rubens Freire, Dante Joaquín Moscatelli, Heber Carlón, Ricardo Petrissans Aguilar, el Prof. Fernando Labandera, Agustín Ubal, Lucy Silva, Yamandú Romero, Sergio Olivera, Luis A. González, Gustavo Quijano; y Colaboradores. Recuerdo los apellidos de Álvarez, Machín, Ojeda, Bottino, Daguerre, gente capaz que contribuyó con el Centro en diferentes formas.
C.I.O.V.I. fu el primero en tomar contacto con la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya y compartir los resultados de su investigación, el primero en desarrollar un análisis computarizado de casos OVNI; el primero en organizar el único coloquio entre investigadores Argentinos y Uruguayos; el primero en crear una Red Nacional de Corresponsales; el primero en analizar y descartar sistemáticamente las “huellas” en diferentes campos como relacionadas con supuestos aterrizajes de OVNIs; el primero en presentar en Uruguay el documental “El enigma del Aire” (“UFO”) y la película francesa “Desde el Cosmos Nos Vigilan”; el que organizó la visita a Uruguay del Dr. J. Allen Hynek y su Secretario para América Latina el Dr.Willy Smith. El primero en identificar la fotografía de un aparentemente extraño objeto cerca del Estadio Centenario en 1930, como un globo cautivo, publicidad de los neumáticos Michelin. El primero en investigar y determinar con precisión que el ex Astronauta Neil Armstrong jamás visitó la estancia “La Aurora”. El primero en organizar un curso teórico-práctico para la preparación de futuros investigadores.
Durante los años del C.I.O.V.I. algunos de sus miembros viajaron a Argentina, Brasil y Francia para tomar contacto con investigadores en esos países.
Por otro lado, la relación con la prensa, diarios, radios y estaciones de TV fue muy buena y fluida, tratando con sobresalientes periodistas en todos los medios.
Y periódicamente, miembros del C.I.O.V.I. dieron conferencias públicas en diferentes instituciones, siendo las más relevantes entre ellas la ACJ, y el Planetario.
C.I.O.V.I. puso fin a su trabajo luego de 50 años, en 2008, cuando quedó claro que el tema OVNI ya no era relevante para el público y que había una notoria reducción en la cantidad de denuncias.
Si actualmente ha de haber una investigacion oficial, la misma tiene que basarse en la rigurosa aplicación del método científico y definir su tarea como la de Identificación Aero-Espacial.
Milton W. Hourcade
Iowa City
Abril 29 de 2020
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