26 December 2021


Passed by the Federal Congress of the United States of America on December 15, 2021, this is part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022.

This Law includes a Section specifically referred to the investigation of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, and here it is:

SEC. 1683. ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE, ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,  AND AUTHORITIES TO ADDRESS UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence, shall establish an office within a component of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, or within a joint organization of the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, to carry out the duties of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of this Act, and such other duties as are required by this section. (b) DUTIES.—The duties of the Office established under sub-section (a) shall include the following: (1) Developing procedures to synchronize and standardize the collection, reporting, and analysis of incidents, including adverse physiological effects, regarding unidentified aerial phenomena across the Department of Defense and the intelligence community. (2) Developing processes and procedures to ensure that such incidents from each component of the Department and each element of the intelligence community are reported and incorporated in a centralized repository. (3) Establishing procedures to require the timely and consistent reporting of such incidents. (4) Evaluating links between unidentified aerial phenomena and adversarial foreign governments, other foreign governments, or nonstate actors. (5) Evaluating the threat that such incidents present to the United States. (6) Coordinating with other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, as appropriate, including the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Department of Energy. (7) Coordinating with allies and partners of the United States, as appropriate, to better assess the nature and extent of unidentified aerial phenomena. (8) Preparing reports for Congress, in both classified and unclassified form, including under subsection (i). (c) RESPONSE TO AND FIELD INVESTIGATIONS OF UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA.— (1) DESIGNATION.—The Secretary, in coordination with the Director, shall designate one or more line organizations within the Department of Defense and the intelligence community that possess appropriate expertise, authorities, accesses, data, systems, platforms, and capabilities to rapidly respond to, and conduct field investigations of, incidents involving unidentified aerial phenomena under the direction of the head of the Office established under subsection (a). (2) ABILITY TO RESPOND.—The Secretary, in coordination with the Director, shall ensure that each line organization designated under paragraph (1) has adequate personnel with the requisite expertise, equipment, transportation, and other resources necessary to respond rapidly to incidents or patterns of observations involving unidentified aerial phenomena of which the Office becomes aware. (d) SCIENTIFIC, TECHNOLOGICAL, AND OPERATIONAL ANALYSES OF DATA ON UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA.— (1) DESIGNATION.—The Secretary, in coordination with the Director, shall designate one or more line organizations that will be primarily responsible for scientific, technical, and operational analysis of data gathered by field investigations conducted pursuant to subsection (c) and data from other sources, including with respect to the testing of materials, medical studies, and development of theoretical models, to better understand and explain unidentified aerial phenomena. (2) AUTHORITY.—The Secretary and the Director shall each issue such directives as are necessary to ensure that the each line organization designated under paragraph (1) has authority to draw on the special expertise of persons outside the Federal Government with appropriate security clearances. (e) DATA; INTELLIGENCE          COLLECTION.— (1) AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND REPORTING ON UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA.—The Director and the Secretary shall each, in coordination with one another, ensure that— (A) each element of the intelligence community with data relating to unidentified aerial phenomena makes such data available immediately to the Office established under subsection (a) or to an entity designated by the Secretary and the Director to receive such data; and (B) military and civilian personnel of the Department of Defense or an element of the intelligence community, and contractor personnel of the Department or such an element, have access to procedures by which the personnel shall report incidents or information, including adverse physiological effects, involving or associated with unidentified aerial phenomena directly to the Office or to an entity designated by the Secretary and the Director to receive such information. (2) INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS PLAN.—The head of the Office established under subsection (a), acting on behalf of the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence, shall supervise the development and execution of an intelligence collection and analysis plan to gain as much knowledge as possible regarding the technical and operational characteristics, origins, and intentions of unidentified aerial phenomena, including with respect to the development, acquisition, deployment, and operation of technical collection capabilities necessary to detect, identify, and scientifically characterize unidentified aerial phenomena. (3) USE OF RESOURCES AND CAPABILITIES.—In developing the plan under paragraph (2), the head of the Office established under subsection (a) shall consider and propose, as the head determines appropriate, the use of any resource, capability, asset, or process of the Department and the intelligence community. (f) SCIENCE PLAN.—The head of the Office established under subsection (a), on behalf of the Secretary and the Director, shall supervise the development and execution of a science plan to develop and test, as practicable, scientific theories to— (1) account for characteristics and performance of unidentified aerial phenomena that exceed the known state of the art in science or technology, including in the areas of propulsion, aerodynamic control, signatures, structures, materials, sensors, countermeasures, weapons, electronics, and power generation; and (2) provide the foundation for potential future investments to replicate any such advanced characteristics and performance. (g) ASSIGNMENT OF PRIORITY.—The Director, in consultation with, and with the recommendation of the Secretary, shall assign an appropriate level of priority within the National Intelligence Priorities Framework to the requirement to understand, characterize, and respond to unidentified aerial phenomena. (h) ANNUAL REPORT.— (1) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than October 31, 2022, and annually thereafter until October 31, 2026, the Director, in consultation with the Secretary, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on unidentified aerial phenomena. (2) ELEMENTS.—Each report under paragraph (1) shall include, with respect to the year covered by the report, the following information: (A) All reported unidentified aerial phenomena-related events that occurred during the one-year period. (B) All reported unidentified aerial phenomena-related events that occurred during a period other than that one- year period but were not included in an earlier report. (C) An analysis of data and intelligence received through each reported unidentified aerial phenomena- related event. (D) An analysis of data relating to unidentified aerial phenomena collected through— (i) geospatial intelligence; (ii) signals intelligence; (iii) human intelligence; and (iv) measurement and signature intelligence. (E) The number of reported incidents of unidentified aerial phenomena over restricted air space of the United States during the one-year period. (F) An analysis of such incidents identified under subparagraph (E). (G) Identification of potential aerospace or other threats posed by unidentified aerial phenomena to the national security of the United States. (H) An assessment of any activity regarding unidentified aerial phenomena that can be attributed to one or more adversarial foreign governments. (I) Identification of any incidents or patterns regarding unidentified aerial phenomena that indicate a potential adversarial foreign government may have achieved a break-through aerospace capability. (J) An update on the coordination by the United States with allies and partners on efforts to track, understand, and address unidentified aerial phenomena. (K) An update on any efforts underway on the ability to capture or exploit discovered unidentified aerial phenomena. (L) An assessment of any health-related effects for individuals that have encountered unidentified aerial phenomena. (M) The number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, of unidentified aerial phenomena associated with military nuclear assets, including strategic nuclear weapons and nuclear-powered ships and submarines. (N) In consultation with the Administrator for Nuclear Security, the number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, of unidentified aerial phenomena associated with facilities or assets associated with the production, transportation, or storage of nuclear weapons or components thereof. (O) In consultation with the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, of unidentified aerial phenomena or drones of unknown origin associated with nuclear power generating stations, nuclear fuel storage sites, or other sites or facilities regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (P) The names of the line organizations that have been designated to perform the specific functions under subsections (c) and (d), and the specific functions for which each such line organization has been assigned primary responsibility. (3) FORM.—Each report submitted under paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex. (i) SEMIANNUAL BRIEFINGS.— (1) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and not less frequently than semiannually thereafter until December 31, 2026, the head of the Office established under subsection (a) shall provide to the congressional committees specified in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (D) of subsection (l)(1) classified briefings on unidentified aerial phenomena. (2) FIRST BRIEFING.—The first briefing provided under paragraph (1) shall include all incidents involving unidentified aerial phenomena that were reported to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force or to the Office established under sub-section (a) after June 24, 2021, regardless of the date of occurrence of the incident. (3) SUBSEQUENT BRIEFINGS.—Each briefing provided subsequent to the first briefing described in paragraph (2) shall include, at a minimum, all events relating to unidentified aerial phenomena that occurred during the previous 180 days, and events relating to unidentified aerial phenomena that were not included in an earlier briefing. (4) INSTANCES IN WHICH DATA WAS NOT SHARED.—For each briefing period, the head of the Office established under sub-section (a) shall jointly provide to the chairman and the ranking minority member or vice chairman of the congressional committees specified in subparagraphs (A) and (D) of subsection (k)(1) an enumeration of any instances in which data relating to unidentified aerial phenomena was not provided to the Office because of classification restrictions on that data or for any other reason. (j) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the work of the Office established under subsection (a), including with respect to— (1) general intelligence gathering and intelligence analysis; and (2) strategic defense, space defense, defense of controlled air space, defense of ground, air, or naval assets, and related purposes. (k) TASK FORCE TERMINATION.—Not later than the date on which the Secretary establishes the Office under subsection (a), the Secretary shall terminate the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force. (l) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (1) The term ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ means the following: (A) The Committees on Armed Services of the House of Representatives and the Senate. (B) The Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate. (C) The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. (D) The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. (2) The term ‘‘intelligence community’’ has the meaning given such term in section 3 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003). (3) The term ‘‘line organization’’ means, with respect to a department or agency of the Federal Government, an organization that executes programs and activities to directly advance the core functions and missions of the department or agency to which the organization is subordinate, but, with respect to the Department of Defense, does not include a component of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. (4) The term ‘‘transmedium objects or devices’’ means objects or devices that are observed to transition between space and the atmosphere, or between the atmosphere and bodies of water, that are not immediately identifiable. (5) The term ‘‘unidentified aerial phenomena’’ means— (A) airborne objects that are not immediately identifiable; (B) transmedium objects or devices; and (C) submerged objects or devices that are not immediately identifiable and that display behavior or performance characteristics suggesting that the objects or devices may be related to the objects or devices described in subparagraph (A) or (B).



The definition of "Gold Digger" is:
a person who forms relationships with others purely to extract money from them, in particular a woman who strives to marry a wealthy man.

We are aware that the term is derogatory and very popular, but we couldn't find a better way to characterize what a group of individuals are trying to do, that is, to be part of the official investigation of the UAP, something that is under the authority of the Pentagon.

These people have known that the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act  (NDAA, H.R. 4350), is an annual piece of legislation that will allocate close to $780 billion for the Department of Defense budget.

They are thinking that if in any way they could relate themselves with the investigation developed by the Pentagon, they could economically benefit from that.

These individuals are: the Astrophysicist Abraham (Avi) Loeb, Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo, acting together under the umbrella of "Project Galileo".

We consider that it is good to know this.

Milton W. Hourcade


En inglés suele llamárseles "gold diggers" a esa clase de mujeres que están detrás de hombres acaudalados en la esperanza de mantener una relación con ellos para beneficiarse de la fortuna que tienen. 

Sabemos que es un término peyorativo y popular, pero lo encontramos adecuado para el caso.

Algo muy semejante sucede con ciertos "ufólogos" y algún "colado" de último momento que explota su titulo científico, y que olieron los 780 mil millones de dólares de la Ley de Autorizacion de Gastos de Defernsa para el Año Fiscal 2022 (NDAA H.R. 4350) y se dijeron que si son considerados como para de alguna manera relacionarse con la investiación oficial a cargo del Pentágono, seguramente van a sacar provecho de ello.

Al frente del grupo se encuentra el Astrofísico Abraham (Avi) Loeb, y le siguen Christopher Mellon y Luis Elizondo actuando bajo el escudo del "Proyecto Galileo".

Es bueno que esto se sepa.

Milton W. Hourcade



As has been his work and his kind attention to investigators, our dear friend and colleague Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos is sending from Valencia (Spain) an update of his UFO FOTOCAT BLOG, reviewing old pictures from Brazil and Argentina, plus information about the official investigation in U.S.A. (although we have to warn our readers that VJBO reproduces information given by Jason Colavito on December 8, that differs from what we have been given on the subject based on official documents, on December 15.  Representative Gillibrand had an idea original about a project named ASRO but it did not had the votes. And also has been put aside any participation of civilians because the Office that will take care of all the investigation is the AOIMSG, and this is in the hands of the Department of Defense.) 

The report is written in English and Spanish. 

Here is the link:  http://fotocat.blogspot.com/2021_12_26_archive.html

Milton W. Hourcade







21 December 2021



Las páginas web están llenas de fotos, videos, relatos, que se repiten y que comprenden toda una parafernalia de fantasía, alentada por individuos que de alguna manera quieren destacarse, e impulsar --especialmente buscando rédito económico-- el tema UAP [UFO, OVNI]

Les van a ver mencionados reiteradamente, en la TV, y en lugares de  internet.

Es bueno conocerles para no confundirse. Hay entre ellos distintos niveles no sólo de educación personal sino también de la forma de encarar el tema. Unos muy directos otros más sofisticados. Pero todos apuntan por igual a convencer de que detrás de los Fenómenos Aéreos Inusules --como hemos elegido llamarles en nuestro Grupo-- hay una inteligencia no-humana. Y esta es una presunción jamás demostrada, que no tiene fundamento científico alguno. 

Que un científico de la Universidad de Harvard plantee una hipótesis que la comunidad astronómica internacional no ha abrazado, y que cree una organización llamada "Galileo Project" para la cual solicita dinero --y ya ha recaudado un millón 700 mil dólares-- no varía un ápice la cuestión. 

También era de Harvard el recordado Psiquiatra Dr. John Mack, --ganador de un Premio Pulitzer--  no aplicando con rigor el método científico e impulsando el tema de las "abducciones por extraterrestres". Lamentablemente Mack falleció en Inglaterra al ser atropellado por un vehículo. Se puede ser Profesor de Harvard y cometer errores fundamentales de criterio.

Por otra parte, quede claro que no estamos diciendo que no puedan observarse cosas aparentemente extrañas en el cielo. No negamos que los pilotos militares hayan observado y registrado cosas sorprendentes por sus maniobras y formas. Pero de ahí a atribuirles automáticamente un carácter extraterrestre, hay una enorme distancia.

La investigación oficial en EE.UU.,que apoyamos, permitirá --si se realiza adecuadamente-- determinar quiénes son responsables de los objetos o formas de energía que han dado lugar a determinadas observaciones.

Así lo esperamos.

RYAN SPRAGUE es un investigador principal y coanfitrión de Mysteries Decoded (CW Network) y un habitual de Ancient Aliens (History Channel) y Beyond the Unknown (Travel Channel). Es el presentador del podcast Somewhere in the Skies, y es autor de dos libros con el mismo título: "En algún lugar de los cielos" [Somewhere in the Skies]


JEREMY KENYON LOCKYER CORBELL es un artista estadounidense contemporáneo,  documentalista y ufólogo con sede en Los Ángeles. Entre otras cosas apoya los cuentos del famoso y falso narrador Bob Lazar.

Corbell tiene una página web donde anuncia su producción llamada "Creencias Extraordinarias" que se transmite por televisión. Trabaja junto a Joe Rogan y Bob Lazar. A Corbell también le gusta reproducir videos falsos. Su lema es "Arma tu curiosidad".



TOM DE LONGE, conocido por su actividad como cantante del grupo de rock Blink182, lo abandonó para crear una institución llamada "Hacia las Estrellas - Academia de Artes y Ciencia"
Nunca la investigación del tema a nivel privado llegó tan bajo. 



LUIS  "Lou" ELIZONDO, ha declarado más de una vez y así lo presentan algunos medios, haber sido el Director del programa AATIP del Pentágono. La sigla AATIP significa: Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. 

Elizondo trabajó en el Pentágono pero pero en la oficina llamada OUSDI (Oficina del Sub-Secretario de Defensa para Inteligenica y Seguridad).

La vocera del Departamento de Defensa para Asuntos Públicos, Susan Gough, consultada por Bob Gradisher, portavoz de la Marina de Guerra de EE.UU. respondió al respecto: "La Agencia de Inteligencia de Defensa (DIA) administró AATIP. Luis Elizondo no fue asignado u ordenado a servir en la DIA en ningún momento. En tanto prestó servicios en la OUSDI, a Elizondo no se le asignaron responsabilidades para AATIP. Elizondo ocasionalmente interactuó con la oficina de la DIA administrando el programa cuando aún estaba funcionando, pero nunca dirigió AATIP."

Es lamentable que alguien mienta respecto de su responsabilidad en una tarea, y más relacionada a Defensa. Si una persona actúa de esa manera, pierde toda credibilidad.

Al dejar el Pentágono, Elizondo se afilió a "Hacia la Estrellas-Academia de Artes y Ciencias", y tiene un programa en el History Channel bajo el título de "No identificados: Dentro de la Investigación OVNI de Estados Unidos"


CHRISTOPHER MELLON es el más serio promotor de la "posibilidad" de que algunos UAP pudiesen responder a una tecnología no-humana.

Cuidadoso en sus palabras, sin embargo, su mera presencia en el tema con semejante enfoque, puede incidir bastante por cuanto Mellon (además de trabajar individualmente en el ámbito financiero) ha ocupado cargos de importancia a nivel oficial, y recibido varios reconocimientos por su excelente labor.  Fue Director de personal del Selecto Comité de Inteligencia del Senado desde Noviembre de 1999 hasta enero de 2002. También se desempeñó como Asistente Adjunto del Secretario de Defensa para Operaciones de Seguridad e Información bajo las presidencias de Bill Clinton y George W. Bush. Dado esos cargos, Mellon tiene que tener un alto nivel de acceso a información secreta. 

Pero curiosamente, Mellon fue ex-asesor y accionista de la organización de Tom DeLonge, y facilitó la producción del programa del "History Channel" que conduce Luis Elizondo. Mellon ha participado  en varios documentales, entre ellos The Phenomenon dirigido por el entusiasta de los OVNIs James Fox.  


El Profesor ABRAHAM ("Avi") LOEB, recibió su doctorado en Física de la
Universidad de Jerusalén, a los 24 años de edad. Dirige el Departamento de Astronomía de la Universidad de Harvard, es también Director del Instituto para Teoría y Computación dentro del Centro para Astrofísica Harvard-Smithsoniano, y está al frente de su creación, el  Proyecto Galileo, para el cual ha reunido ya la cifra de un millón 700 mil dólares, y sigue solicitando colaboraciones en dinero. Una de sus fuentes de ingreso es su libro "Extraterrestrial" publicado en 2021 donde llega a exponer la hipótesis de que la roca espacial que pasó por nuestro sistema solar, llamada "Oumuamua", es una nave espacial, planteo que no ha sido admitido por la vasta mayoria de los Astrónomos a nivel mundial.

Loeb parece ser --a juzgar por su participación en tantas organizaciones-- un individuo inquieto, que gusta de  hacerse ver y de paso, de hacer dinero. Por supuesto, ya ha aparecido en documentales por TV y concedido varias entrevistas, donde cuida de lucir muy simpático.


Por supuesto, hay más promotores de lo extraño y misterioso, como todos los que participan en el programa “Alienígenas Ancestrales” en el History Channel.

Está el caso del británico Nick Pope quien, cuanso se retiró del Ministerio de Defensa viajó a Estados Unidos y dijo que él estaba investigando el tema OVNI.

En realidad, tenía una pequeña oficina donde acusaba recibo de cartas que la gente enviaba al Ministerio, por lo cual les agradecía.

En Estados Unidos ha escrito una serie de libros sobre “extraterrestres”, comenzando por el caso de Rendlesham Forest, el cual  --dicho sea de paso—el Dr. Jacques Vallée lo explicó perfectamente.

En Estados Unidos Pope trabaja como periodista independiente y comentarista en los medios. Sus temas preferidos son lo inexplicable, teorías conspirativas, espacio, ciencia-ficción y ciencia marginal, esto es, la que usa ideas altamente especulativas o descansa en supuestos que ya han sido rechazados.

Milton W. Hourcade




Web pages are full of photos, videos, stories that are repeated and encompass a whole paraphernalia of fantasy, pushed by individuals that in some way want to stand out, and push –especially looking for economical return— the UAP [UFO] subject.

You will see them repeatedly mentioned on TV and on internet places.

It is good to know them not to be confused. Among them, there are different levels, not only on personal education but also in the way they deal with the subject. Ones are blunt, others more sophisticated. But all of them point at to convince us that behind the Unusual Aerial Phenomena  --as we have chosen to call them in our Group--  there is a non-human intelligence. And this is a presumption never demonstrated, that lacks  scientific grounds.

That a scientist of Harvard University had set out a hypothesis that has not been embraced by the international astronomical community, and that he creates an organization called “Galileo Project” for which he asks for money –and he has already collected one million seven thousand dollars—does not change one ounce the issue.

Also was from Harvard the remembered Psychiatric Dr. John Mack, --winner of a Pulitzer Price—who didn’t apply with rigor the scientific method and propelling the theme of “abductions by aliens”.

Regretfully Dr. Mack died in England from being run over by a car.

It’s possible to be a Harvard Professor and make fundamental mistakes of criterion.

On the other hand, let it be clear that we are not saying that there couldn’t be observed things apparently strange in the sky. We do not deny that military pilots could have seen and recorded things surprising by their maneuvers and shapes. But from there to automatically attribute them an extraterrestrial origin, there is an enormous distance.

The official investigation in the United States that we support, will allow –if adequately done--  determine who is responsible for the objects or forms of energy that have given rise to certain observations.

We hope so.


 RYAN SPRAGUE is a lead investigator and co-host of Mysteries Decoded (CWNetwork) and a regular on Ancient Aliens (History Channel) and Beyond the Unknown (Travel Channel) He is the host of the Somewhere in the Skies podcast, and has authored two books under the same title, "Somewhere in the Skies." 


 JEREMY KENYON LOCKYER CORBELL is an American contemporary artist, documentary filmmaker, and ufologist based in Los
Angeles. Among other things he supports the tales of the famous storyteller Bob Lazar. 

Corbell has a web page where he announces his production named "Extraordinary Beliefs" that goes on TV. He works together with Joe Rogan and Bob Lazar.
Corbell likes to reproduce fake videos also. His motto is: "weaponize your curiosity".


TOM DE LONGE, konwn for his activity as singer of the Rock group Blink-182 decided to leave the group to create an institution called "Toward the Stars - Academy of Arts and Science".  Never the investigation of the subject reached such a lower level. An structure to make money.


LUIS "LOU" ELIZONDO, has declared more than once and this is how

he is introduced on many media, that he has been the Director of the AATIP program at the Pentagon. The acronym AATIP signifies Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

Mr. Elizondo worked at the Pentagon but on OUSDI, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security).

Defense Public Affairs spokesperson Ms.Susan Gough, consulted by Bob Gradisher, spokesman for the U.S.Navy replied: "The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) administered AATIP. Luis Elizondo was neither assigned nor detailed to DIA at any time. While he served in OUSD(I), Elizondo has no assigned responsibilities for AATIP. Elizondo occasionally interacted with DIA office managing the program while it was still ongoing, but he did not lead AATIP."
It is deplorable that someone lies about his responsibility related to a job and more if it is related to Defense. If someone proceeds in this way, he loses all credibility.

When he left the Pentagon, Elizondo enrolled in "Toward the Stars - Academy of Arts and Science", and has a program on the History Channel under the title of "Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation". 


CHRISTOPHER MELLON is the most serious promoter of the “possibility” that some UAP could respond to a non-human technology.

Careful in his words, nevertheless, his mere presence on the subject with such a point of view, he can influence enough because Mellon (besides working individually in the financial sphere) has held positions of importance at the official level, and received several recognitions or his excellent work. He was staff Director to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, from November 1999 until January 2002. He also served as Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Security and Information Operations under the presidencies of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Given those charges, Mellon has to have a high level of access to classified information.


But curiously, Mellon was a former advisor and shareholder of the organization of Tom DeLonge and helped in the production of the program of Luis Elizondo in the History Channel. Mellon has participated in many documentaries, among them The Phenomenon directed by the enthusiast of UFOs, James Fox.



Professor ABRAHAM "AVI" LOEB received his doctorate in Physics

from the University of Jerusalem when he was 24 years old. He directs the Astronomy Department at Harvard University and is also the Director of the Institute for Theory and Computation within the Harvard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics, and is the head of the Galileo Project, for which he has already raised the figure of one million 700 thousand dollars and continues to request contributions in money.

One of his sources of income is his book "Extraterrestrial" published in 2021, where he develops the hypothesis that the space rock that passed through our solar system called Oumuamua is a spacecraft, a claim that has been rejected by the vast majority of Astronomers worldwide.

Loeb seems to be --judging by his participation in so many organizations-- a restless individual, who likes to be seen and incidentally, to make money. Of course, he has already appeared in TV documentaries and given interviews, where he cares to look very likable.


Of course, there are more promoters of the strange and mysterious, like

all those who participate in the program "Ancient Aliens" on the History Channel.

There is the case of the British Nick Pope who when he  retired from the Ministry of Defense traveled to the United States, and said that he was investigating the UFO issue. 

Actually, he had a small office in which he acknowledged the reception of letters that people sent to the Ministry, and for which he sent thanks.

In the United States, he has written a series of books on "extraterrestrials" beginning with the case of Rendlesham Forest, which --by the way-- Dr. Jacques Vallée explained perfectly.

Mr. Pope appears frequently in the History Channel, he works for a number of film companies to promote the release of science-fiction films.

In the United States, Pope works as a freelance journalist and media commentator. His preferred subjects are the unexplained, conspiracy theories, space, science-fiction and fringe science, that is the one which uses ideas highly speculative or relaying on assumptions already rejected.


Milton W. Hourcade