30 August 2022

LOS PLATILLISTAS ESTÁN DESESPERADOS POR MANTENER EL MITO EXTRATERRESTRE – Intentan introducir la categoría de UAPs “no hechos por el hombre”. Pero eso es inexistente

Motherboard-tech es un tipo de publicación un tanto escandalosa en la Internet perteneciente a Vice, que trata muchos temas diferentes pero siempre con un enfoque más  bien sensacionalista.


Y allí hay un hombre llamado Matthew Gault, un integrante de la publicación en Intrernet, llamada Motherboard Tech,  editada por Vice Media Group LLC.


Este Grupo estadounidense-canadiense es una compañía de medios digitales y de transmisión. A Junio de 2021, el Vice Media Group incluía cinco principales áreas de negocio: Vice.com; VICE STUDIOS; VICE tv; VICE News; and VIRTUE. Se le menciona como la más grande compañía independiente para jóvenes en el mundo, con 325 oficinas.

El 23 de Agosto de 2022, el señor Gault escribió un artículo bajo el título: “El Congreso Admite que los OVNIs no son “hechos por el hombre”,  “las Amenazas” crecen “Exponencialmente”


Por lo tanto no es un sorpresa que el señor Gault al escribir este artículo cometa exageraciones. Por ejemplo: no es el Congreso, y nadie está admitiendo que los UAP no son hechos por el ser humano.

Esta es una grave distorsión de lo que dice una breve enmienda del Comité de Inteligencia del Senado a la Ley de Autorización de Defensa Nacional para el Año Fiscal 2023.

Pero el señor Gault no es el autor de esta distorsión.

Hay alguien cuyo nombre el Marik von Rennenkampff que escribió lo que se le llama un op-ed (un artículo que aparece en la página opuesta a la Editorial) y allí dice: “Después de todo, ¿por qué el Congreso habría de establecer y encargar a una poderosa nueva oficina investigar OVNIs “no hechos por el hombre” si tales objetos no existen?” “Nadie se equivoque:  una rama del gobierno estadounidense implicando que los OVNIs tienen orígenes no-humanos es un acontecimiento explosivo”


Y ciertamente lo sería, pero ESTE NO ES EL CASO.


Si esta persona se hubiese tomado el tiempo de ser fiel a los hechos y veraz con la realidad, se habría dado cuenta que el principal deber de la UAPTF (Fuerza de Trabajo), luego AOIMSG, y finalmente AARO es IDENTIFICAR qué es lo que está ocurriendo en el espacio, en el aire y bajo el agua.


Más aún, la definición de estos Fenómenos No-Identificados considera que pueden ser de “gobiernos extranjeros adversarios, otros gobiernos extranjeros, o actores no estatales”.

La definición de la UAPTF decía: “Fenómenos Aéreos No-Identificados (UAP) es: Objetos Aéreos no inmediatamente identificables”. Ese era el ámbito inicialmente considerado.


Y ya entonces se escribió en el informe de la UAPTF en Junio 25 de 2021: “Nuestro análisis de los datos apoya la idea de que si y cuando incidentes individuales de UAP sean resueltos, caerán en una de estas cinco categorías potencialmente explicativas: desorden aéreo, fenómenos atmosféricos naturales, programas de desarrollo del Gobierno o de la industria de EE.UU., sistemas del adversario extranjero y un receptáculo de “otros”. 


Por "desorden aéreo" hay que entender bolsas de nilón, globos semi-desinflados, drones, etc.


Por lo tanto, la tarea importante es identificar lo que se denuncia. Una vez que ha sido identificado, pierde su categoría de “no identificado”.


Está claro que no hay ningún tipo de referencia a la posibilidad de algo extraterrestre. Justamente debido a este enfoque realista, se repite la preocupación acerca de la amenaza que eventualmente esos no identificados representan para los Estados Unidos, y cómo eso juega en relación a la seguridad nacional y la salvaguarda de los pilotos.


En manera alguna la Oficina está establecida para investigar OVNIs “no hechos por el hombre”. 


Desafiamos a que Marik von Rennenkampff, Matthe Gault, o los periodistas del diario “Clarín” de Buenos Aires (Argentina)  --que escribieron un artículo siguiendo lo que redactó von Rennenkampff—mencionen específicamente el artículo en la LEY DE AUTORIZACIÓN DE DEFENSA NACIONAL PARA EL AÑO FISCAL 2023, o en el Informe fechado el 20 de Julio de 2022 del Comité Selecto de Inteligencia del Senado, donde se haga explícitamente referencia a algo extraterrestre, o esté implicado el concepto de “no hecho por el hombre”.


En el Informe arriba mencionado se dice:


“Identificación, clasificación, y estudio científico de fenómenos aeroespaciales y submarinos no identificados es un problema que está inherentemente creando un desafío a través de las agencias y a través de los dominios, requiriendo un enfoque integrado o conjunto de la Comunidad de Inteligencia y el Departamento de Defensa”


Y concluye:


“Objetos temporariamente no atribuidos, o aquellos que estén positivamente identificados como hechos por el hombre luego de un análisis, se pasarán a las oficinas correspondientes y no deberían ser considerados bajo la definición de fenómenos aeroespaciales y submarinos no-identificados.”


De ninguna manera se puede inferir de este último párrafo que está implicada la existencia de fenómenos “no hechos por el hombre”, excepción de los fenómenos naturales.


Lo que está diciendo es que si algo inicialmente “no identificado” es luego identificado como perteneciente a los Estados Unidos, a un gobierno extranjero adversario, a un gobierno extranjero, o algo no estatal, automáticamente pierde la condición de no-identificado y “será pasado a las oficinas correspondientes”. Porque entonces, eso puede ser seguido por acción diplomática, advertencias, sanciones económicas, acciones militares, etc.


Conclusión: No hay lugar para extraterrestres. Punto.


--Marik von Rennenkampff sirvió como analista en la Oficina de Seguridad Internacional y No-proliferación del Departamento de Estado, así como nombrada por el gobierno de Obama para el Departamento de Defensa.


Respecto del diario “Clarín”, su carencia de objetividad y su explotación de una línea sensacionalista en torno al tema OVNI, queda harto demostrada con esta lista de artículos publicados tan sólo desde Junio a Agosto de este año:

Junio 21: “Según un científico, los extraterrestres viven escondidos en toda la Via Láctea”

Junio 26: Jim Sullivan: el músico que le dedicó un disco a los ovnis y desapareció en el desierto

Junio 29: filman un OVNI en el cielo de Medellín y causa impacto

Julio 3: Encuentro cercano. Asegura que lo secuestraron extraterrestres cuando salía del trabajo. “La gente ahora comienza a creer mi historia”

Julio 4: La ciencia dice que cada vez es más difícil comunicarse con los extraterrestres

Julio 7: Intriga. Misteriosos agujeros descubiertos en el fondo del océano despiertan teorías alienígenas

31 de Julio: En Polonia – Un instituto científico considera a los gatos domésticos como “una especie alienígena invasora”

8 de Agosto: Buscarán un objeto alienígena que llegó del espacio y se estrelló en el Pacífico

Agosto 16: Delirio viral – Mujer asegura que habla “lengua alienígena”: ofrece cursos a 70 dólares

¡¡Como para confiar en lo que "Clarín" publique!!

29 August 2022

SAUCERIANS ARE DESPERATE TO MAINTAIN THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL MYTH – They intend to introduce the category of "non-man-made" UAPs. But that is inexistent

Motherboard tech by vice VICE is a kind of somewhat scandalous publication on the Internet, dealing with many different subjects but always with a rather sensationalistic approach. 


And there is a man named Matthew Gault, a Staffer of the publication on the Internet called Motherboard Tech, edited by Vice Media Group LLC.


This Group is an American-Canadian digital media and broadcasting company. As of June 2021, the Vice Media Group included five main business areas: VICE.com; VICE STUDIOS VICE TV; VICE News; and VIRTUE. It was cited as the largest independent youth media company in the world, with 35 offices.


On August 23, 2022, Mr. Gault wrote an article under the title: "Congress Admits UFOs Not 'Man-Made,' Says 'Threats' Increasing 'Exponentially'

Therefore, it is not a surprise that Mr.Gault in writing his article commits exaggerations. For instance: it is not Congress,  and nobody is admitting UAPs as "not man-made".


This is a gross distortion of what a short amendment of the Senate Intelligence Committee to the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 says.

But Mr.Gault is not the author of this distortion. 


There is someone named Marik von Rennenkampff that wrote what is called an op-ed (an article that appears on the opposite page to the Editorial one) and there says: "After all, why would Congress establish and task a powerful new office with investigating non-'man-made' UFOs if such objects did not exist?"


"Make no mistake: One branch of the American government implying that UFOs have non-human origins is an explosive development."


It certainly would be, but THIS IS NOT THE CASE.

Had this person taking the time to be faithful to the facts and truthful to the reality, she will realize that the main duty of the UAPTF (the Task Force), later the AOIMSG, and last the AARO is to IDENTIFY what is going on in the space, in the air, and under the water. 


Moreover, the definition of these Unidentified Phenomena considers that they could be from "adversarial foreign governments, other foreign governments, or non-state actors".


The definition of the UAPTF said:  "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP): Airborne objects not immediately identifiable." That was the environment initially considered. 


And already then it was written in the UAPTF report of June 25, 2021: 

"Our analysis of the data supports the construct that if and when individual UAP incidents are resolved they will fall into one of the five potential explanatory categories: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG [United States Government] or U.S. industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems and a catchall "other" bin".


Therefore, the important task is to identify what is reported. Once it has been identified, it loses the category of "unidentified"


It is clear that there is no reference whatsoever to the possibility of something extraterrestrial. Just due to this realistic approach is the repeated concern about the threat that eventually those unidentified represent to the United States, and how it plays concerning the national security and the safety of pilots.


In no way the Office is established to investigate "non-man-made" UFOs.


We challenge: that Marik von Rennenkampff, Matthew Gault, or the journalists of the newspaper "Clarin" from Buenos Aires (Argentina)--that wrote an article following what von Rennenkampff wrote-- mention specifically the article in the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023, or in the Report dated on July 20, 2022, of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, where it is explicitly mentioned something extraterrestrial, or it is implied the concept of "non-man-made".

In the above-mentioned report it is said:

 "Identification, classification, and scientific study of unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena is an inherently challenging cross-agency, cross-domain problem requiring an integrated or joint Intelligence Community and DoD approach."

 And concludes:

"Temporary non-attributed objects, or those that are positively identified as man-made after analysis, will be passed to appropriate offices and should not be considered under the definition as unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena."


In no way could be inferred from this latest paragraph that it is implying the existence of "non-man-made" phenomena, with the exception made of the natural ones.


What it is saying is that if something initially "unidentified", is later identified as belonging to the U.S.A., a foreign adversary government, a foreign government, or non-state, it automatically loses the condition of unidentified and "will be passed to appropriate offices". Because then, that could be followed by diplomatic action, warnings, economic sanctions, military actions, etc.


Conclusion: no place for extraterrestrials. Period


Note: Marik von Rennenkampff  served as an analyst with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, as well as an Obama administration appointee at the U.S. Department of Defense. 

27 August 2022



Exception made of the possible reports by sensationalistic press, the paragraphs contained in the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 passed on July 1st. 2022, manifests a clear concern about the lack of sufficient communication mainly to the intelligence community and intelligence organizations.

Following that concern the Act establishes a Joint Program Office to have a repository of UAP reports and to assure that they are shared interagency and with the intelligence community.

This explains why on July 15, 2022, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks orders the creation of the AARO  (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office), which is implemented on July 20, 2022 by the Under Secretary of Defense, Robert S. Moultrie.

The law also introduces the concept of “transmedium” objects, meaning that they can operate in the space, in the air and under the water, and consequently the definition of UAP is expanded to “unidentified aerospace undersea phenomena”.

Above all, stays firmly the idea that whatever the UAP are, they represent a potential threat  to the United States, and as such has to be considered. The alternatives are that they could belong to “adversarial foreign governments, other foreign governments, or non-state actors”.

And that is all.





July 1, 2022


                    ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST


Establishment of Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena
Joint Program Office

The committee recognizes that in recent years, the Department
has expanded available resources to investigate potential threats
involving Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). In 2020, the De-
partment established the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task
Force to improve its understanding of, and gain insight into the na-
ture and origins of UAPs. Then in 2021, the Department estab-
lished the Airborne Object Identification and Management Syn-
chronization Group (AOIMSG) as a successor organization to the
UAP Task Force. While AOIMSG was designed to better syn-
chronize efforts across the U.S. Government to detect, identify, and
attribute potential UAP-related threats, especially related to Spe-
cial Use Airspace, the committee is concerned with the continued
lack of coordination across the interagency on UAP issues, espe-
cially between the Department and the intelligence community.
The committee believes  that a Joint Program Office may be a
more effective construct to facilitate interagency cooperation. Con-
sequently, the committee directs the Secretary of Defense to  sub-
mit a report to the House Armed Services Committee not later
than March 1, 2023, that describes whether a Joint Program Office
would be able to more effectively:

(1) Carry out the duties of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Task Force, including those pertaining to transmedium objectives
or devices and unidentified aerospace undersea phenomena; spaceatmospheric, and water domains; and currently unknown tech-nology and other domains;

(2) Develop procedures to synchronize and standardize the collec-
tion, reporting, and analysis of incidents, including adverse physio-
logical effects, regarding unidentified aerospace-undersea phe-
nomena across the Department of Defense and the intelligence
community, in consultation with the Director of National Inteligence;

(3) Develop processes and procedures to ensure that such inci-
dents from each component of the Department and each element of
the intelligence community are reported and incorporated in a cen-
tralized repository;

(4) Establish procedures to require the timely and consistent re-
porting of unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena;

(5) Evaluate links between unidentified aerospace-undersea phe-
nomena and adversarial foreign governments, other foreign govern-
ments, or nonstate actors;

(6) Evaluate the threat that such incidents present to the United

(7) Coordinate with other departments and agencies of the Fed-
eral Government, as appropriate, including the Federal Aviation
Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
tion, the Department of Homeland Security, the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, the National Science Foundation,
and the Department of Energy;

(8) Coordinate with allies and partners of the United States, as
appropriate, to better assess the nature and extent of unidentified
aerospace-undersea phenomena;

(9) Prepare reports for Congress, in both classified and unclassi-
fied form; and

(10) Ensure that appropriate elements of the intelligence commu-
nity receive all reports received by the Office regarding a tem-
porary nonattributed object or an object that is positively identified
as manmade, including by creating a procedure to ensure that the
Office refers such reports to an appropriate element of the intel-
ligence community for distribution among other relevant elements
of the intelligence community, in addition to the reports in the re-
pository described in 3