As it is well known, there are certain places over the
World where the A.L.P. could be seen.
On July 20, 2008 an article about this issue was published in this blog under the title of: “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF "ANOMALOUS LUMINOUS PHENOMENA"
The Italian Astrophysicist Dr. Massimo Teodorani has
tracked them in Hessdalen, Norway, but also in some places of the United States
of America and in his own country.
On August 6, 2008, in this blog we published an explanation found by Dr.
Teodorani for the vast majority of the phenomena happening in Hessdalen. His criteria are applicable to the situation in Gobernador Ugarte
because there are two coincident factors: the presence of a river and that the
phenomena happen when there is cold weather.
Gobernador Ugarte is a little town in the Province of
Buenos Aires, Argentina,.of 10 by 10
blocks of extension.
It has 547 inhabitants and is at 184 kilometers to the
South West of the city of Buenos Aires.
Near the town is the Salado River.
The town is surrounded by fields where agricultural
activities are developed.
There have been repeated reports from people of the
area who have seen strange lights, even over the Salado River.
On June 21, 2013, from 3:35 AM to 4:10AM (local time)
a team of four investigators went to the area with video cameras and
instruments to verify the phenomena.
As we have said from this blog and in public lectures
and books, this is the New Ufology which relies no more only in the stories
told by witness but that makes the investigators to face the phenomena by
themselves, and then record and measure it using cameras and a variety of
Here is the report written by Mr. Cristián Soldano,
one of the members of the team who also publishes ORBITAL VISION on Facebook.
We thank Mr. Soldano for sharing his report with us.
ORBITAL VISION includes a Plate of photographs which shows the
recently recording in the area of Gobernador Ugarte/Buenos Aires, of a
localized phenomenon that triggers recurrent observations, typified by luminous
sources of apparent plasmatic condition, recorded this time by a team of
investigators composed by Licentiate Gustavo Cía, Mr. Rubén Rombolá, Mr. Pablo
Nobile and Mr. Cristián Soldano, using 3 video cameras of different
characteristics and recording modes that simultaneously captured an initial
group of 2 identical manifestations that suddenly appeared over a certain rural
area, at a distance of approximately 33 feet among them, and at about 1,312 to
1,640 feet of the investigators team, evolving with a fixed rotation movement
and randomly light lateral shifts without any determined cycle or frequency.
The luminous sources denoted great
chromatic intensity variations, alternated with pulsating emissions without a
stable cycle of sequence and at random with loss of intensity and drop of
direct visual observation to the point of “disappearing” to regain intensity
seconds later as well as a not pulsating luminous intermittency.

The whole sequence of events recorded with
3 video cameras (some of them of high optical quality) in different modes,
shows luminous structures of very high level of strangeness, which are on
agreement with the descriptions given by many local witnesses.
Such phenomenon happened on a clean area
of the field, where there was any kind of thing or source that could be a
stimulus or could activate its formation. The phenomenon happened between to
isolated appearances over an area of the Salado River, determined individually
by some of the investigators. This kind
of appearances which they presumed were at about 10 to 16 feet over the ground
have been mentioned by different narratives of people living in the area and
they correlate perfectly with similar luminous shapes seen globally in the same
Such luminous manifestations of apparent plasmatic
structure have been observed recurrently in that area and the investigators
have verified them on different opportunities, being specifically predominant
during times of very low temperatures and over areas of the field that have not
any particular features that could be associated with the phenomenon.
Various witnesses, some of them qualified ones, have
told investigators about their observations and direct experiences with the phenomena
that accordingly coincide with this kind of undetermined luminous sources that
could be described in their morphology and phenomenologically as:
1-Radiant luminous sources of variable magnitude,
generally of spherical shape with a white-amber nucleus and undefined edges of
variable colors
2-They show variable intensities and dimensions and
could be described as fire balls in permanent rotation or spin movement even
when they are on a fixed position
3-They are visible and have times of invisibility.
They turn on and off with fading times.
4-Occasionally they perform variable movements
following the shape of the ground or going up with same or pulsating intensity
up to 980 feet.
5-They appear suddenly and in their evolution they
have picks of intensity when the luminosity of the nucleus is notoriously
amplified reaching the point of incandescence.
6- They appear together at random including the
formation of an equilateral triangle, showing the same configuration and
7-Occasionally they have shown an interactive behavior
related to luminous stimuli sent to those luminous sources by the working team,
which included the repetition of complex luminous sequences.
8-The investigators have verified the appearance of
this phenomenon over the Salado River, hovering over the water, but there are
narratives of witnesses who have seen them emerge from the river and evolve
over it
9- There are some luminous
phenomena which so far we were not able to determine as associated with the ALP
that could be described as non-radiant but compact light red spheres with an incandescent
nucleus and defined edges, which present identical behavior that the ones
previously described.
10-Most of the times when some
members of the team had approached the lights they ceased to be visible, but
returned to be visible and to regain luminous intensity as soon as the
investigators had taken distance from them.
11- Other accounts refer to more
compact luminous sources that follow the people at short distance even for a
long while
12- In some cases in which
lights followed people EM effects has been associated with them on houses,
vehicles or agricultural machinery
13- In repeated occasions
humming or high-pitched sounds similar to electrical discharges have been
14- In some places where these
phenomena occur there are cycles of strong temperature variation and odors
associated with the vegetation submitted to cycles of high temperature. People
have tried to establish if those thermal emissions could be correlated with
ionizing energy.
15- These technical notes have
a perfect correlation with other areas where the phenomenon appears. That is
why a more detailed report will be published shortly.
16- In the coming report we
will include sequential photographs and data obtained from investigation
related to the studies on Thermal Plasmas developed by the Astrophysicist Dr.
Massimo Teodorani.
17- We have to emphasize that the group of images obtained will
be sent to the Argentinean Institute of Plasma Physics for future scientific
Best regards,
Cristian Soldano
Special translation by Milton W. Hourcade
Special translation by Milton W. Hourcade