12 April 2022


Our colleague investigator John Greenewald Jr. in his very important web page The Black Vault just came from publish an official document, with a lot of redacted pieces, where essentially a Committee of the U.S.Senate, probably presided by Sen. Harry Reid –whom specifically is mentioned in the document— received a Navy Pilot who pursued, locked-on and possibly shoot against a non identified target.

The pilot confess that he went and called the attention of the Senators, hoping that other pilots would follow him, helping to promote the UAP subject at a national level.

After reading the document, we don’t know who were all the Senators that met with the pilot, neither who was the pilot.

But we come to know something very interesting: 1) when the pilot returned to the carrier he was immediately tested for possible use of drugs; 2) he didn’t know what happened with the video of the UAP he took; and 3) he was surprised for the total lack of interest by the authorities on the carrier and later by the authorities of the Navy.

What happened before his appearance at the Senate committee is not difficult to imagine. Either the pilot got in contact with Senator Reed knowing his personal interest in the UAP subject, or Senator Reid tried to reach the pilot to have a special meeting with him, because later the Senator will persuade a couple of his colleagues to allocate 22 million dollars to a project that supposedly would study the UAP at the Pentagon.

Our readers already know the story of those 22 million dollars that went mostly to the entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, a political supporter of Senator Reed.

And this is the end of the story.

The official document has the virtue to reveal some actions taken before Senator Reid proposed to assign money for an official UAP investigation by the Pentagon.

The other thing that we consider more relevant is the total lack of interest by the Navy to know what happened to one of its pilots.

According with Mr. Greenewald, this F-18 pilot could have been the one who took the video of the so-called “Gimbal” UAP, but nothing is for sure.

Anyway, we consider quite relevant the hard work of The Black Vault to put light in many nearly unknown official documents and activities that only the perseverance of Mr. Greenewald makes him capable to obtain.


Milton W. Hourcade

on vacations in Montevideo, April 12, 2022


Nuestro colega investigador John Greenewald Jr. en su muy importante página web The Black Vault acaba de publicar un documento oficial con una cantidad de trozos tachados, donde esencialmente un Comité del Senado estadounidense, probablemente presidido por el Senador Harry Reid –que específicamente está mencionado en el documento—recibió a un piloto de la Marina de Guerra que persiguió, hizo blanco y posiblemene disparó contra un objetivo no identificado.

El piloto confesó que él fue y llamó la atención a los Senadores en la esperanza de que otros pilotos le siguieran, ayudando así a promover el tema UAP a nivel nacional.

Luego de leer el documento, no sabemos quiénes eran todos los Senadores que se reunieron con el piloto, ni tampco quién era el piloto.

Pero llegamos a saber algo muy interesante: 1) cuando el piloto retornó al portaviones fue inmediatamente testeado por posible uso de droga; 2) él no supo qué pasó con el video del UAP que él tomó; y 3) se sorprendió de la total falta de interés por las autoridades del portaviones y luego por las autoridades de la Armada.

Lo que sucedió previamente a su comparecencia ante el comité del Senado no es difícil de imaginar. El piloto entró en contacto con el Senador Reid sabiendo su personal interés en el tema UAP, o el Senador Reid trató de dar con el piloto para una reunión especial con él, porque luego el Senador va a persuadir a un par de sus colegas para destinar 22 millones de dólares a un proyecto que supuestamente studiaría los UAP en el Pentágono.

Nuestros lectores ya conocen la historia de esos 22 millones de dólares que fueron mayormente al empresario Robert Bigelow, un partidario político del Senador Reid.

Y este es el final de la historia.

El documento oficial tiene la virtud de revelar algunas de las acciones emprendidas antes que el Senador Reid propusiera asignar dinero para una investigación oficial por el Pentágno.

La otra cosa que consideramos más relevante es la total falta de interés por parte de la Armada de saber qué le sucedió a uno de sus pilotos.

Según Greenewald, este piloto de un F-18 podría haber sido el que tomó el video del UAP llamado “Gimbal”; pero nada es seguro.

De cualquier manera, consideramos relevante el esforzado trabajo de The Black Vault en arrojar luz sobre muchos documentos oficiales y actividades casi desconocidas, que sólo la perseverancia del señor Greenewald le hace capaz de obtener.

Milton W. Hourcade

de vacaciones en Montevideo, Abril 12 de 2022

03 April 2022


Our dear friend, colleague investigator and UFO scholar, Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, --a UAPSG member-- has been kind sending to us his latest contribution to think and analyze aspects of the official investigation in the U.S.A., that he wrote under the title "ON THE 2021 UAPTF CLASSIFIED REPORT".

His work is only in English but we hope that many of our followers and UAPSG members will take advantage of this valuable analysis made by Ballester Olmos.

He introduces his work with these words:


Dear friends and colleagues:
On June 25, 2021, the US Department of Defense released a 9-page “Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.” It was a public version of a longer classified report prepared for US Congress, a 17-page report that has been released to UFO researcher John Greenewald under FOIA. This UAP report is sanitized and certain words, lines and entire sentences have been redacted by being blacked out to hide information such as military systems and operational details. By comparing both documents chapter by chapter, a number of inferences may be made, both about the document itself and about the differences between the two versions. That is the purpose of this article that I have just published through Academia.edu, "On the 2021 UAPTF Classified Report":
I hope it may be useful to you. 
Best regards,
Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos
We sincerely expect you will enjoy and share this article with many colleagues and friends because it deserves to be known.