24 September 2012


Under the misleading title of “We are not alone”, an affirmation that cannot be done so far, Simon Parry, writing for the China Daily Hong Kong edition, reported that:

Space exploration has become a national priority for China - and a Hong Kong scientist appointed to an international body searching for alien life says he is confident many of us will live to see the first evidence of extra-terrestrial life.

It was at the opening of the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Beijing that it dawned upon Professor Sun Kwok, the University of Hong Kong’s dean of science, just how seriously China takes the quest for space exploration.

There have been few more opportune times, either, to be involved in the search for alien life, Kwok believes - and at the Beijing assembly, he was elected vice-president of the International Astronomical Union's bio-astronomy Commission 51 for the next three years.

The commission is a dedicated body of scientists searching for evidence of extra-terrestrial life and Kwok - believed to be its first Chinese member - is convinced it is a search that will be rewarded within the lifetimes of many people alive today.

"My guess is that we will find evidence of life outside our planet within 50 years - but it might be as soon as 20 years," he said.

"When I say life I don't mean aliens, or ET walking around. Most likely what we are looking for now are micro-organisms - bacteria. We have very strong indications that there is a good chance we will find extra-terrestrial micro-organisms very soon."

Kwok's work is in the field of bio-astronomy, or astrobiology - a relatively new scientific field that involves the study of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the universe. Commission 51 is at its cutting edge.

Those who want to believe versus those who investigate

Mr.Parry  ends its article with a reference to a group of Chinese UFO enthusiasts.  

“For a growing number of believers in Hong Kong, alien life isn't out there silently waiting to be found: It's already found us and it's hovering above us, watching our every step.

"Lots of people see UFOs in Hong Kong," said Thomas Tsui, one of the group's organisers.
It is not surprising that there are many “ufos” flying over China. It would be interesting to know exactly their identity or their point of origin.

As space exploration becomes an increasingly hot topic, the Hong Kong UFO Club has seen its membership grow from around 150 a decade ago to some 2,500 today, including its Facebook followers.
As for the search for alien life by scientists, UFO club members are somewhat ambivalent at the prospect of a breakthrough. "Scientists always need evidence, but we don't need evidence," said Tsui dismissively. "We already believe what we believe."

Surely, they –as many others throughout the World—can choose to believe, instead of apply a cold and logical reasoning, and the scientific methodology. In other words, they can believe instead of investigate to reach the truth whatever it could be.

It’s easier, but it is totally useless.

Photo: "something" indistinguible over Hong Kong, provided by the UFO Club. 
(Excerpt of the Daily China article by Milton W. Hourcade)

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