09 August 2008


The X-47B – U.C.A.S. - Unmanned Combat Air System

The X-47B will be a transformational, carrier-capable, multi-mission, unmanned combat air vehicle. Strike fighter-sized, it is a survivable, long range, high endurance and persistent platform capable of a variety of missions including Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and Time Sensitive Targeting/Strike.

It can fly at an altitude of 40,000+ ft, its combat radius is of 1,500+ nm, it can afford a payload of 4,500 lb and is equipped with the following sensors: EO/IR/SAR/GMTI/ESM/IO (EO/IR – Electro Optical Infrarred detection, SAR – Synthetic Aperture Radar  (makes high resolution images of the Earth´s surface), GMTI  - Ground Moving Target Indicatar (real-time production of a dynamic ground picture) and ESM/IO -Emission Sensing Monitor Integrated Optical.

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