27 September 2018


It is a wonderful experience to get the opinion of a very selective group of people at an international level and get them together giving answers to just 8 questions referred to the Unusual Aerial Phenomena.

We give a big thanks to all those colleagues who are answering our survey and we are very pleased to present to you their ideas. We hope that what they say would be useful to you in your own work with the UAP and that their criteria would help to shape your own one.

We continue today the publication of the answers of these colleagues, and we are doing so in the order they were received.

Jan Aldrich
BA- History University College, University of Maryland

Various military courses in meteorology, security and intelligence, leadership and management

1996-2018 US Postal Service, Officer-in-charge, clerk

1967-1994 US Army, Safety manager, Assistant Adjutant, Security and Intelligence (Security Manager and/or Classified Document Custodian) in nuclear capible units, meteorological instruction, meteorological operations, supply and arms repair.  Served in section of three men to Chief Enlisted Instructor for Meteorology and Sound operations to  Special staff assigment on the staff of a major subordinate command, Southern European Task Force.

Aldrich is a meticulous historian of the UFO subject. His works are internationally recognized. 

1) Do you use the acronym UFO or another designation, and if so, why?

Since my interest mainly concerns the history of the subject, I use the acronym UFO.  Unfortunately in the United States the acronym in popular culture equates to extraterrestrial space ship.

2) Have your idea about UFOs changed along the time?

Certainly my views have changed as has my approach.  Since I am more interested in the history, what UFOs are has become secondary.  Rather how do individuals and institutions react to the subject.  It does not matter what UFOs are or if they exist, Keyhoe, the military establishment, amateur groups do exist, these are the things which can be studied in an historical context.  I have no personal theory about UFOs.  Other peoples' beliefs and interactions are my interest.

3) Should the UFO investigator become an expert in IFOs?

Probably.  Such an investigator should at a minimum know where to find information on known phenomena and activities.

4) If there were still some unexplained phenomena, what could they be?

Probably with the unexplained incidents, there could be a number of various and rare phenomena.  I am reminded of a physics experiment which I was hired to work on in college.  Bombarding a target with high energy protons.  The results were varied depending on the interactions, Lambda particles, electron-positron pairs, and other particles.  So unexplained UFOs could involve multiple unexplored answers such as insects, arachnids, rare electrical phenomena, grazing or satellite velocity meteors, unusual aircraft and lighter than air configurations, and maybe more exotic explanations like ET, etc.

5) How do you consider this issue in general? What do you think about the whole subject?

It is akin to various phenomena which in the past were disregarded due to having no ready explanation.  Transient Lunar Phenomena, meteors causing flashes on the moon.  Now any space scientist will tell you today, well of course, we know that meteors hit the moon.  However, historically until it was viewed by more than one reliable observer, such was not taken seriously by many.  Ball lightning was completely explained as after images or other means for decades--effectively debunked.

6) Is it possible to do something effective to bring the truth to the public and to change the mind of those who still proclaim or believe that extraterrestrial beings are living with us on Earth?

I am not concerned with beliefs, except to chronicle their origins and evolution.

7) Do you think SETI and similar searches are valid activities?

I am not sure about searching for radio waves from other possible ET civilizations.  A sufficiently high technical civilization might communicate by some other means.

8) What is your idea about multiple universes?

An idea like others with no physical evidence.  So it is a theoretical construct with no obvious way yet to test the theory.

Next publication: answers from Jerome Clark  (J.A. Hynek CUFOS)

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