We launched the idea and our international appeal for other people to join us.
A year and 8 months later, we are a total of 29 selected people, and we expanded to 10 nations.
Represented in UAPSG at this very moment are: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, France, Italy, Mexico, Spain, United States and Uruguay.
We think that many more people and countries could join us, provided they have a clear idea of the aims and goals of our Group, and they agree with them.
Particularly we are very interested to have people from Australia, Costa Rica, China, Colombia, Germany, The Netherlands, Peru, Puerto Rico, Russia and Sweden.
Of course, we are not interested in quantity but in quality.
This said, we think it is appropriate to reproduce again what was the Introduction to the U.A.P.S.G.
This Group is formed by all those interested to study the Unusual Aerial Phenomena.
The Unusual Aerial Phenomena are defined as those which in first instance do not belong to natural phenomena already scientifically known, whose intrinsic characteristics deserve a specialized study looking for a further acknowledgement by science.
Such a study has a global scope, and therefore it will use information coming from everywhere.
The Group will consider particularly the Anomalous Luminous Phenomena and its characteristics and will have specially into consideration the observations, registrations and studies related to places as Hessdalen in Norway, as well as in other geographic areas.
Attention will be given to the possibility to determine the internal mechanism that creates and sustain the Anomalous Luminous Phenomena and its possible practical application as an alternative source of energy.
The Group also will try to keep pace with the development of new technologies in Aeronautics and Astronautics. This with the purpose to avoid confusion and to isolate the UAPs from the products of such technologies.
In the same way, the Group will try to keep pace with the latest theories in Physics, particularly those dealing with the structure of matter and the Universe.
With those purposes, the Group will develop international contacts through e-mail and postal mail, by phone and personally with scholars and people studying the same issues.
The Group is going to exchange widely and openly among its members all the information that could gather. There will be a Web-page and an e-mail box to that purposes.
Using the information in a selective way the Group also will engage in lectures, conferences, interviews and journalistic notes, as a socio-cultural activity in benefit to the public.
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