The Cornell University arXiv >Physics>Popular Physics published on October 27, 2022 an article submitted by the Amry Wandel who is a senior scientist in Astrophysics at the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The title of his paper is: The Fermi Paradox revisited: Technosignatures and the Contact Era, and there he wrote:
A new solution to the Fermi Paradox is presented: probes or visits from putative alien civilizations have a very low probability until a civilization reaches a certain age (called the Contact Era) after the onset of radio communications.
If biotic planets are common, putative advanced civilizations may preferentially send probes to planets with technosignatures, such as radio broadcastings.
The contact probability is defined as the chance to find a nearby civilization located close enough so that it could have detected the earliest radio emissions (the radiosphere) and sent a probe that would reach the Solar System at present.
It is found that the current contact probability for Earth is very low unless civilizations are extremely abundant.
Since the radiosphere expands with time, so does the contact probability. The Contact Era is defined as the time (since the onset of radio transmissions) at which the contact probability becomes of order unity.
At that time alien probes (or messages) become more likely. Unless civilizations are highly abundant, the Contact Era is shown to be of the order of a few hundred to a few thousand years and may be applied not only to physical probes but also to transmissions (i.e. SETI).
Consequently, it is shown that civilizations are unlikely to be able to inter-communicate unless their communicative lifetime is at least a few thousand years.
UFO FOTOCAT / December 2022
The UAPSG member, our dear friend and colleague Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, sent us from Valencia, the latest version of his UFO FOTOCAT for December, 2022.
As an introduction he says:
"Among other different articles, I report on the UFO workshop held in October by GEIPAN in Toulouse, I provide comments on the studies underway by the US Department of Defense, NASA and the AIAA, I review the sightings of the Starlink satellites from Spain last September, I include a note from Dr. H. Janosch on the UAP identification course at the Camilo José Cela University, I coordinate a collective obituary as a tribute to our beloved Matías Morey and I add a bibliographic review written by J.P. Gonzalez."
The text is very long and that is why we can not reproduce in its entirety as it deserves. Therefore, we recommend to see it going to:
Thank you for your attention.
Still no official report on UAPs
The Federal Congress of the United States of America has completed the number of legislators after the last mid-term elections, but the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has not yet presented his due report about the AARO work on UAPs. Surely the Office is waiting for the new legislature to effectively start working in the new year.
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