is a wonderful experience to get the opinion of a very selective group of people
at an international level and get them together giving answers to just 8
questions referred to the Unusual Aerial Phenomena.
give a big thanks to all those colleagues who are answering our survey and we
are very pleased to present to you their ideas. We hope that what they say
would be useful to you in your own work with the UAP and that their criteria
would help to shape your own one.
continue today the publication of the answers of these colleagues, and we are
doing so in the order they were received.

He belongs to the J.Allen Hynek “Center for UFO
Studies” (CUFOS) of Chicago, Illinois.
I use UFO exclusively, since few
people know what UAPs are, even though the definition is more encompassing and
perhaps more descriptive.
2) Have your idea about UFOs changed along the
I really have never had a fixed
opinion on what UFO phenomena represent, other than they are multicausal. Some
may be extraterrestrial, others interdimensional, others psychic in nature,
still others forms of unknown natural phenomena like earthlights, and others a
psychological yet anomalous effect. If you take every incident on a
case-by-case basis, after you weed out the many probable hoaxes and
misidentifications, you are left with a bizarre array of causal stimuli that
only have a small subset of common characteristics. Over time, I have gotten
more rigorously skeptical, though still open-minded.
Should the UFO investigator become an expert in
Absolutely. Just as a
cryptozoologist needs to know what real animals might masquerade as a cryptid,
the ufologist needs to be an expert on meteorology, eyewitness testimony,
elementary physics, psychology, astronomy, history, and many other subjects.
4) If there were still some unexplained phenomena,
what could it be?
I think I answered that in the
second sentence of question 2.
5) How do you
consider this issue in general? What do you think about the whole subject?
I consider myself more of a
bibliographer and historian of the subject. I would like to see UFO literature
and documentation more widely accessible and critically assessed. More care
needs to be taken in individual cases to get the details right on old cases as
well as new ones. I’ve learned much over the years by just studying the
subject, and I think others might too. It almost doesn’t matter what specific
cases turn out to be or what the phenomenon is as a whole.
Is it possible to do something effective to
bring the truth to the public and to change the mind of those who still
proclaim or believe that extraterrestrial beings are living with us on Earth?
We live in a postmodern world where
any ill-informed person can have an opinion on any subject without bothering to
acquire mastery of the field. It’s too much work to learn complex philosophies,
and there’s no money in it. I’m not sure what I’d want to change peoples’ minds
to anyway. A scientific, replicable confirmation of the nature of anomalous
UFOs will convince many people (if and when that happens), but there will still
be those who will allege fake news or conspiracies. It’s not worth trying to
convince anybody of anything. Maybe it’s better just to have a reasonable
7) Do you think
SETI and similar searches are valid activities?
Yes, especially as different
techniques are now being used to creatively search for exoplanets, exobiology,
and exotechnologies. Even if you don’t find anything, you will still learn
something about the nature of the universe.
What is your idea about multiple universes?
Unproven, but the debate is
intriguing. I’ve heard Neil de Grasse Tyson and Michio Kaku go on quite
reasonably about multiverses via string theory, but I don’t really understand
any of it. Nothing has been proven yet. Maybe George Adamski’s golden-haired
“Venusians” will return some day and explain it all to us.
Next publication: answers from Salim Sigales Montes
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