31 May 2012

UFO FOTOCAT UPDATED - A message from V.J. Ballester Olmos

Dear friends:

During the last 12 years, Project FOTOCAT has become the biggest catalog specialized in UFO photos in the World, with more than 11,000 records, saved in individual folders, kept in digital files and registered in a computerized data base. The main catalog is available to investigators at their request and –once it is considered complete- it will be shared through the Internet making it available to any user so they could take benefit of the content of all the entries. Meanwhile, we publish a blog to announce the current investigation, the help received, a review of books, case analysis and other pertinent information.

The blog UFO FOTOCAT has been updated on June 1st. 2012. You can visit it at http://fotocat.blogspot.com
These are some of the outstanding issues dealt with in the current edition:
*”Spheres on aerial images of UAPS”, enhanced work.
* “The man of MOA” an online article
*  Review of the book “De otros mundos” (From Other Worlds)
*  Conisborough (United Kingdom, 1966) a re-assessed case
*  The last picture known of a ball lightning
*  Analysis of the picture of the blue humanoid of North Carolina
*  Reports distributed by hour, 2000 to 2005

I hope you will enjoy the reading. Best regards

Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos

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