22 September 2021




Having passed almost 3 months from June 25, 2021, the already historical date in which the UAPTF presented a report to the federal Senate of the United States, I considered prudent and also opportune to pose some questions to know --if it was possible-- something more about the UAPTF itself and its work until now.

With that purpose, I've got in contact with the Pentagon where a Naval Commander suggested writing an email to Ms. Susan L. Gough, who deals with Public Affairs within the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Therefore, on September 17, 2021, I sent to Sue Gough the following email:

Ms. Susan Gough: 

I am writing to you based on the recommendation of CDR Michael P. Cody of Defense Press Operations. 

Let me briefly introduce myself. I am a U.S. citizen, worked at the Voice of America until January 30, 2007. I am a writer –6 books— and a lecturer dealing with the UAP subject considered from a scientific viewpoint. 

As an investigator and scholar, I have dedicated 63 years of my life dealing with the UAP subject, and currently, I am the International Coordinator of the UAPSG –Unusual Aerial Phenomena Study Group— a non-profit organization that has a web page written in English and Spanish (https://www.uapsg.com/ > ) and gathers a selected number of people (85) including scientists, professionals, investigators, journalists, etc., from Australia, Europe, and the Americas. 

I had the distinction –together with Mr. Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos from Valencia, Spain— to be nominated as honorary International Advisor to the CIAE (Aero-Space Identification Center) belonging to the Argentinean Air Force. 

Due to the creation and work of the UAPTF, about which I wrote some articles in the webpage already referred, and I follow with real interest, I would like to pose some questions that I hope you will be able to reply to. 

I understand that –for security reasons— there could be questions that could not have an answer, but I am making them general enough that I suppose all of them could be answered. 

Here they are: 

1) How many people work at the UAPTF? How many of them are military and how many civilians? 

2) How many scientists and other professionals participate in the UAPTF? Do they belong directly to the Task Force or do they operate as consultants? 

3) Would you mind specifying some of their specializations? 

4) Can you provide the name of a relevant scientist working with the UAPTF? 

5) Apart from the original 144 reports received by the UAPTF, how many reports have been added so far to that original number, until today? 

6) If it is possible to say: how many UAP reports have been resolved and in which of the “five potential explanatory categories” referred by the UAPTF in its Preliminary Assessment they fall? 

7) Could a new report from the UAPTF be expected for the coming month of October? 

I thank you deeply for your reply to these questions and any other thing that you can consider important to have into account. 

I support the work of the UAPTF and its down-to-earth and sensible approach. 

I thank you so much for your attention.  


Mg. Milton W. Hourcade 


I was told that she was on vacation, but she will return the following week. And effectively, on September 20, 2021, I received the following answer, that it is obviously a standard one prepared and sent to everyone who could ask something about the UAP subject or the UAPTF. 


Mr. Hourcade,

To protect our people, maintain operations security and safeguard intelligence methods, we do not publicly discuss the details of UAP observations or examinations, or the UAP Task Force and its activities, beyond what was included the UAP Report to Congress.  As the congressional requirement for the UAP Report to Congress directed the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to submit the report, I refer you to their public affairs office regarding any further reports.


Sue Gough

Department of Defense spokesperson 


I thank Ms. Gough for her prompt reply, but the text of her email means that nobody, except the people working in the UAPTF, the Director of National Intelligence, and the members of the Intelligence Committee of the Senate will know exactly what is going on. 

Given the fact that Congress has to receive reports from the UAPTF every 90 days, we can suppose that on September 24, 2021, there will be another report.

Maybe then, we will be able to know something more from a Non-Classified document, as it happened before. 

In the meantime, the clear policy applied is a total hermeticism.

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